Companion Animal Services
Please inqure about our rates.
Our Animal Care Specialists are more than just dog walkers or pet sitters. They are all trained in animal hospice care, certified in Pet First Aid and CPR, and fully insured. They all share a genuine love of animals and are compassionate. Our goal is to relieve some of your stress so that you and your companion animal can spend more quality time together. We can care for your ill or injured pet while you are at work, vacations, when you are ill, or if you just need a break.

• In-home animal nursing care for companion animals
who are recovering from an illness/injury or are at end of life
- Medications as prescribed by your vet (oral, injections and patches)
- Physical therapy (as prescribed by your vet)
- Exercise (playtime or walks, depending on the activity level of the pet)
- Bandage changes
- Feeding
- Monitoring for adequate water intake
- Hygiene (bathing, brushing, diapers)
- Fun and love
- Detailed written notes as to the daily care your pet is receiving from Simpawtico Animal Hospice
• Grooming for Hygiene
- Trim toenails
- Clean ears
- Teeth brushing
- Bathe (after "accidents")
• Meal preparation
When an animal is ill or injured, sometimes they require a special diet that is home cooked. Let us do it for you!
- Cook-to-order meals for your pet
• Transportation
- Transportation to your veterinarian, groomer, daycare, airport or other destination
• Veterinary Support
- We work as partners with you and your vet to ensure your pet has the best quality of life and care
- We can accompany you to your vet visits to help you understand what your options are and what care may be required
- List of products you may need for home health care of your pet
- Pick-up and delivery of your pet to your vet (and give you a complete written report of the visit)
- In special circumstances, we help low income pet owners apply for financial assistance from providing organizations
• Orthopedic Devices 
If your veterinarian advises/prescribes an orthopedic device, (such as a sling, boots or wheelchair)
- We can show you reviews by other pet people about which products they recommend
- We may have an appropriate device for you to rent or borrow
• Euthanasia Support
We would like to support you in allowing your pet a natural death, but that is not always possible.
- We provide you with emotional support when the time comes to say goodbye to your companion
- We can refer you to a licensed vet who offers in-home euthanasia services
- We can accompany you to your vet during this stressful time
- We guide you through your final arrangements, with options such as cremation, burial, memorials
• Grief Support
- Once your friend is gone, we help you connect with grief counseling, grief groups and grief hotlines
- For human hospice patients, we offer your pet support in their grief (studies have found that animals grieve)
• Other household needs
- Care for other animals in the home
Water plants
Bring in mail
Run errands
Take out trash
Make meals for animals
Turn on and off lights |