petitions for off-leashoff-leash info for advocatescontact your local group


Every off-leash advocate group should have a packet of info they give to the local powers that make the decisions (Board of Supervisors, City Council, Park & Rec)

The packet should include information that covers all the claims of the opposition: why allow dogs on the beach/park? Also include any petitions (online and/or paper), current water quality reports, dog incident statistics at that beach/park, the advantages of having a dog beach/park (community, tourism dollars, etc), will an EIR really be needed in this case, effects on wildlife (if any), and any other information. If you are doing monthly clean-ups, what are the "trash statistics"? How many ciggie butts? How much dog poop is picked up?

Plus, you need to write a proposal of EXACTLY what you are asking for and what your group is willing to offer.



Dogs on the Beach:
A Review of Regulations and Issues Affecting Dog Beaches in California

A 2006 publication from the California Research Bureau, commissioned by assemblymember Ted W. Lieu. It is a bit out-of-date on some of the info about specific beaches, but still useful.
This report was used to get an off-leash STATE-OWNED dog beach in Long Beach.


Rules & Guidelines for Protecting the Snowy Plover

According to the California State Parks 2002 publication,
it is “human use of their remaining beach habitat seriously threatens their survival”.
This brochure suggests guidelines that include:
no kite flying, no frisbees, no bonfires, no fireworks, no picnicing, and no sunbathing.


“Western Snowy Plover (a Federally Threatened Species) Wintering Population and Interaction with Human Activity on Ocean Beach, San Francisco, GGNRA, 1988 through 1996” by Daphne Hatch*
The 1996 report found that there was an increase of more than 100% in the number of snowy plovers in the years after the 1979 Pet Policy went into effect (allowing dogs off-leash on Ocean Beach and elsewhere).

"Factors other than number of people or dogs, possibly beach slope and width, appear to exert greater influence over Snowy Plover numbers on Ocean Beach."

"The number of snowy plovers occurring on the beach is not closely related to the number of people or dogs using the beach at the same time."

This report also confirmed that less than 1/3 of 1% of (5,692) dogs
chased snowy plovers and NONE ever caught or harmed one.

*If you would like to read the whole report, email me.


Dog Park Study by Melissa Bain*
UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine

A study of 17 California dog parks conducted by Melissa Bain, from UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine, concluded that injuries to people from dog bites in off-leash areas are rare.
* I will have a copy of this soon.


AVMA (American Veterinary Medical Association)
report on pet owner demographics (2007)


Microbe-Free Beaches, Thanks to Dogs
Dogs actually make a beach CLEANER!
Here in Santa Cruz, the worst beaches, the highest in bacteria,
is Cowells and Main Beach, where dogs are NEVER allowed.
Why is that?
According to one biologist I spoke with, it is because of the seal poop from "seal rock".


Current Santa Cruz County Water Quality
Information HERE
Interactive water quality map HERE
The two consistently WORST beaches in the county are
Cowells and Main Beach - which both allow NO DOGS!

The beaches which have historically been used as off-leash beaches
have some of the BEST water quality and have won awards.







Dogs are so much a part of our society, is it any wonder they are used in the most popular advertising campaigns?h & Wildlife Service
2012 stun plovers
"Designation of Critical Habitat for the Pacific Coast Population
A report by the American Veterinary Medical Association about the best ways to handle dog bites.
Whether in a dog park or on private property, the best way to "cur-tail" dog bites is with COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT!
So if you want less dog bites, get INVOLVED!

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Dog Owners Group - Off Leash Advocates

copyright 2012